The first day of this New Year brought me one of these precious ephemeral moments.
In the bluish pale light of very early morning we perceived a glimpse of movement in a field along the main regional road, an area which is usually very busy in a populated zone.
Nevertheless there are usually very few people around in the early morning of the first of January, they sleep late… Saying that there are few people around is a euphemism. Actually there was not any human being in view besides us. So we could manage to park the car at random on a bicycle path (shame on us for that! But also cyclists sleep late). I got out from the car and crossed the road and they were there, two roe deer, in a place where we would have never expected to see them. They perceived my presence, but they judged me not completely dangerous, so they remained there for a minute or two, looking at me , calmly, while I tried frantically to take a photo of them, unfortunately aware that there was not enough light and I had not any tripod, but just one of
my faithful compact cameras which follow me everywhere.
Then they run away and disappeared behind a bush toward the lake…