I wrote a book.
A lot of people write books, the majority of them are less than average and also mine belongs to this group, I suppose. This is not the point. I didn’t write my book for any purpose. The purpose was my book itself. I had fun writing it, I practised my knowledge of English, I created my own characters and I let them suggest me what to do.
My book is set in Ireland and it’s a kind of detective story, with a certain attention for local characters and maybe it’s also a little entertaining.
Since I like real books, concrete books made of paper, I mean, I decided that my book deserved to have its own concreteness. So I got it printed. It’s easy and it’s not that expensive either.
Nowadays we can print whatever we like. A great percentage of amateur photographer prints their books of pictures and it’s a good idea, of course, to keeps one’s own visual memories or to offer a present to one’s elderly mum (mothers are probably the only people who really enjoy receiving an unrequested photographic book made by an amateur photographer, of course if the amateur photographer is their son or daughter.
There is nothing less than right in that, but things become a little funnier when the person who printed his/her own photographic book personally presents it proudly as “ printed work”, as if it was a recognition of quality and importance.
Let’s try to be serious, it’s not like that. It simply means that we printed something by ourselves and we paid for it, a personal satisfaction, maybe, but nothing which adds any specific value to what we have done.
I wrote my book, I didn’t put it on sale. I don’t know if it’s good, I think it’s average, but I did my best and I printed it for my own pleasure and for respect of the time I have dedicated to it. It doesn’t make a writer of me.
I offered on PBase a free copy of my book to the first people who would have asked me for that. Incredible but true some people accepted my proposal and asked me for the book and of course I‘ll send it to them as promised.
A few years ago, always on PBase, there was a gentleman, an amateur photographer, whom I have exchanged a few comments with.
Once he wrote me a message to ask me if I would have liked receiving one of his photography books…Oh what a naïve souls I was then. I thanked him for his kindness. I wondered why he wanted to offer me a gift, but I thought it was a kind attention.
The book arrived; well it was a normal photographic book, not too huge either. The funny thing was that the guy had included a bill. He charged me something like 60 US$ for his unrequested book I had mistaken for a gift. I paid, of course, considering it a kind of tax on my naivety. Then it’s always right to pay for a good lesson!
I have learnt and I don’t want to repeat the same mistake. My book is not on sale and if anyone wants to have a copy, they have only to ask, when I have no copies anymore, I’ll let them know.
But I’m sure that the voluntaries will be in limited number, so all of them will see their request satisfied.